
Winter Wonderland

Snow has arrived in Georgia!
This is Madelyn's first official snow that she 
probably remembers and understands.

She immediately wanted to go outside and build a snowman and
play in the snow when she saw it falling.


I will not mention the ice and horrible traffic that this snow also brought along.
Nor will I mention the 12 hour drive my husband had to make 
just from Atlanta to his office in Marietta.

I also won't mention how he had to sleep at the office that night because
the roads were too dangerous to come home.

The only person who really got any sleep that night was Madelyn.
Good for her.

Thank goodness he arrived home the next day...
even though he had to walk a little bit of the trip.

Happy Snow Day!



Playdate at Skyzone!

(A hug turned into a hide)  
Sadly they wouldn't hold still long enough together 
to get a decent/non blurry picture...imagine that.


Random Winter Happenings

 Here, there, everywhere.
From crazy hair, to sick days, train rides,
cousins, family, Chuck E Cheese,
and just having fun!