
Atlanta Botanical Gardens

We decided to take a little day trip yesterday to visit the Gardens.
Matt had never been. 
Of course Madelyn had never been.
And it had been a very long time for me.

It was an overcast day, but perfect temperature to visit the Gardens.
Madelyn had the most fun picking up pieces of bark and little pebbles off the ground,
go figure.

We did a lot of stroller pushing.


And sight seeing.


She Speaks

Here is the latest list of Madelyn's word/sounds/tricks:
What's that (of course- refer to previous post called 'What's That?'
Mmmm for Moo 
Do for Dog (basically say dog without the g)
Hi (more like a southern belle 'Hiiii'
Mom or Momma
Thank you- sounds more like 'Tanks'
Ahhh (if she is trying to get your attention- it is really not yelling.  It's like if I were to say 'Matt' to get his attention, but she chooses Ahhh)
Blows kisses.
Winks (closes both eyes)
She gives five (high fives and low fives)
 Awww (when giving love- usually to a stuffed animal)
Fish- she smacks her lips together.
She gives kisses.

I'm sure I'm missing something, but this is all I can come up with for now.


Just a little sick

It's never any fun when the bebe is sick. 

Roseola (September 17th - September 24th)
High fever
Batting of ears.
Rubbing of forehead.
Runny/Stuffy nose.
Momma's girl.


Lions and Tigers and Bears...

Oh my!
Okay, not a very original post name, but hey
at least I will remember what this post is about!

The Atlanta Zoo.
Surprisingly Madelyn has been every year of her life so far...
Okay, so that means 2 times.
First year- she was itty, bitty, didn't see much, didn't do much.
I don't even know if we got any pictures- unless my sister captured a few.

This year- saw just about everything, and wanted to walk most of the time.
We still managed to forget our camera, but thanks to my wonderful sister and mother 
we have some pictures to document the trip.


Popscicle and Papa

Need I say more.
Dinner at the Depot
(Food Trucks in downtown Kennesaw)

We have been very blessed with cooler weather 
and are loving all of the time we get to spend outside in it.
(and not feeling like you need to go for a dive in ice water)



Madelyn loves to go for walks, 
whether it be in her stroller, in your arms, 
or walking on her own.

I'm trying really hard to get her to wear some sort of shoe 
now that she's been a walker for almost a month.
Poor little thing won't stand having them on, 
so she ends up with all sorts of scrapes on her little toes when we go for walks.

Oh, well.  
There's enough time in life for shoe wearing.



It's the little things

From Teeny, Tiny Toes
(little ankles crossed = I'm in love)

To Blowing her Nose
(Notice the pile of wipes next to her)


So Big

...or so she thinks.

She has a new, big girl car seat.
She loves to sit and climb on furniture.
She's very happy acting like a big girl.
Being 12 months is pretty fun!


Must Haves

If only you could have a trial run of being a mom
 to see what it is you really need and don't need.

I thought Matt and I were doing really well with getting 
(mostly) things we thought we needed with the bebe.

If I could go back and do it all again we could save a TON of money!

Yes, she has an adorable room that we love.
Yes, she has many things to keep her occupied.
Yes, we tried our best to listen to others advice.
Yes, we did a lot of research.

But, honestly, you don't know what YOU'RE gonna need until it happens to you.
Everyone is different, so I'm sure others would disagree with me on some and agree on others,
but here is my list of our 'Magical Must Haves' in no particular order:


War Eagle!

The Auburn Tigers first game was on Saturday.
Madelyn did a great job dressing the part.
(Thank you Auntie Meghan)