
Panda Bear, Panda Bear- What do you See...

I see a baby looking at me!
The hat may be a little big for now, but I couldn't resist!
Thanks Nana for my hat- it will definitely keep me warm, cozy, and looking super cute!


Husband's New Toy...

and even I am in love. 
Of course Matt is loving it for the ease and deliciousness of coffee making.
Me not being a coffee drinker- I am enjoying it for the iced teas and hot cocoas!

My New Toy

My husband got me the new Sony Nex-5n camera for Christmas.
He was sweet enough to give it to me before we left for the beach for Thanksgiving so I could start playing with it there. 

I had a Canon Powershot Point and Shoot that worked just fine, but having a sweet bundle of joy in the house I wanted to be able to document each little moment and document it well. 

Baby Bieber Fever

No, this is not a posed photo. 
This is how she fell asleep in the car.  


4 Months Old

Baby Madi is 4 months old and such a happy girl.
She has many new favorites and can do many more tricks!
Little M can roll over now.  During tummy time (which she hates) she'll most often end up on her back.
She likes to grab her feet and suck on her toes.


Happy Thanksgiving! 
Love, The Calak Family (minus Matt who is taking the picture)

Back to the Beach

So, I never did finish my post about the beach.  Time has gotten away from me.  After work all I want to do is spend time with little one...not with the computer.  If posts come a bit late, then oh well.


3 Months Old

This update is coming a little late, but Little M is 3 months old and I can hardly believe it!
She is all smiles. 
She makes you work hard for her laugh. 
She loves to get in the big bathtub to play. 
She loves to stare at people. 
She is wanting to play more and more. 
She loves sitting up. She loves her fingers- especially her thumb. 
She loves to be read to. 


Sunrise till Sunset...

this is how we spent our days at the beach.   We just got back from our annual family beach trip- the weather was gorgeous- the water was chilly- little love enjoyed every minute of it. 
More to come later about our beach trip. 


Big Celeb in the House?...

Our dog, Jackson, is a big celebrity now...
Ok, not really, but he was chosen as 'Pet of the Day' at Pet Play Place.
We take him to play sometimes and board him when we go out of town. 
He always has a blast and comes home dead tired. 
For being the pet of the day he was displayed on this billboard (thanks to my mother in law for snapping the picture for us), in the office, on their facebook page, and in the local paper.
Way to go Jackson!


Beach Babe

Is this not the cutest beach babe you've ever seen?!?! 
 I had to try on her bathing suit to make sure it wasn't too big or too small. 
Fits perfectly!! 
We are so ready for the beach in 2 weeks!


A visit with Santa...
and lunch with daddy today!
No better way to spend the day.  


The Final Product- Little M's Ruler

Little M's Ruler- we were going to hang it in her room, but we loved the final product so much we decided to hang it in our living room.  This is how we will document her height.  Pretty neat, huh!?!  Want to make your own?  I listed directions in another post and linked it to the blog I found it at.  Apparently they used to sell these at Pottery Barn...can't imagine how much that cost.  

11 weeks of Joy

Little M is very curious about the world around her.

She is officially a thumbsucker if she doesn't have her paci.

She is beginning to love daddy time much more than she used to.

She is loving her hands...not just to suck on her thumb, but she loves to look at them, clasp  them together, and grab things.  Even momma's hair sometimes.


Latest Project

This past week I started working on a project that I thought might help occupy my week while little one is napping. Well, I started the project on Monday and ended up finishing it on Tuesday....so not so much luck with it helping to occupy my time. I guess the dishes were calling my name anyway. 

This project I call 'Little M's Ruler' (real creative, I know). 
I've wanted a way to document her growth. You've got those roll up growth charts (I think they look particularly cheap) and then you have the old fasioned 'mark it on the door frame', but then when you move you're going to take the door frame with you...in my case, that answer would be no. So, I came across this project on a blog I found through Pinterest (I don't think I have mentioned my love for pinterest yet, but I will save that for another post). Found at: Dear Lillie 

I knew immediately when I came across it that this is what I was going to create.


1st Halloween

And here she is...

Our little Mermaid for her first halloween.
Wish I had taken more pictures...but it was dark, cold, and little loves cuddle, sleepy time.
We hung out by the fire pit at my sister's house. Ate wings and hot dogs. And enjoyed family time. I had to head inside a few times with little love to either rock her, change her diaper, or feed her so we missed out on some of the cute trick or treaters. Little M enjoyed her first halloween all snuggled up with me and sleeping...next year halloween should be a little more eventful for little love.


Cousin Time!

We sure do love cousin time! This is little M with her cousin L. He is 7 weeks older and sure does love to babble. M is not quite sure what to think of her cousin right now. She will turn her head and take little peeks at him every now and then, but that's about it for now. I can't wait for them to start babbling to each other! (10 weeks old)

Superman + Big Girl

We call her our little superman when it is tummy time- she lifts both arms and legs and just rocks on her belly. Surprisingly she was happy enough during this tummy time adventure that we were able to get her sweet face NOT screaming.

Little M is also becoming quite a "big girl" (not really- she's still rather little). But, she likes to spend a few minutes each day in her Bumbo. She spends her time looking around and chewing on her hands. (9 weeks old)

My Sweet, Little Love

Thanks to my sister we were able to get this beautiful shot of our sweet, little love while at the pumpkin patch! (9 weeks old)


Family Outings

We love family outings! This time we went to the Pumpkin Patch and State Park to climb the falls. My sister took most of the pictures...but we managed to get a few. I used the Moby Wrap to carry little M up and down the falls. So thankful I have this wrap! Made carrying her very easy.

It was an absolutely beautiful Saturday to be outdoors.


2 Month Doctors Visit

We love going to the doctor to see how big our baby girl is getting, but this time we had to get shots. Boo. Hurt my little heart. Glad a little cuddle time afterward though cleared those cries right up. She was extra snuggly and sleepy after the visit. The doctor upped her dosage of Baby Zantac to hopefully help her a little more with her spitting up. She was getting it once a day in the evenings and seemed to be helping since she never really spits up at night anymore. So, hopefully now her days will be better as well!
Little M is now:
Height: 22 1/2 inches (54%)
Weight: 11 lbs 3 1/2 oz (59%)

She is all smiles at me in the morning. Loves nakey time (just a diaper on). She's making more and more cooes everyday...still no laugh yet though. She loves sucking on her hands and manages to get her thumb in her mouth at times. Doctors report was wonderful. She is growing beautifully and is achieving all milestones that are usually hit around this time. Go Little M!


Too sweet not to share...

Just came across these photos in my email and thought they were too sweet not to share. My sister in law took these pictures of little M the first few days we were home from the hospital.


Stationery card

Dainty Denote Pink Birth Announcement
Create beautiful birth announcements at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.


Beautiful Baby Eyes

Little M- 7 weeks old

The many faces of little M

I love making faces, sitting like a big girl on the couch, kicking my legs, staring at the person talking to me, and wearing snuggly pj's!

Lean with it

Little M- 6 weeks old

These are a few of my favorite things...

Jackson loves little M. He can't get enough of her. Every time we talk to her he has to be right there in her face. He has become quite protective...barks at every little noise he hears outside. Gotta find a way to stop that. But, these are our loves. Jackson and little M, we love you!


You are my Sunshine

Sweet baby smiles in the morning.
Little cooes during the day.
Staring bright eyed at everything around her.
Little M. I love her so!


Happy 1 Month Little M!

Little M knows day from night.
She sleeps so well through the night.
She is very awake and alert.
She loves her swing.
She waves her hand to the motion of the swing.
She covers her face when sleeping at times.
She fights her sleep and has to be snuggled real close or everything turned on and in her swing.
She stares at whoever is talking to her.
She likes to be wrapped tight in a blanket with her arms free.
She makes little dinosaur/bird noises when she sleeps.


Growing Like a Weed

Our little M is growing like a weed! I wish she would stop already. (PS- she doesn't really take a paci...it was our last resort attempt to calm her down in her seat because she doesn't always like it.) It has been 3 weeks since she has joined our little family and she had her second doctors appointment this week. Doctor says she is perfect (of course we agree). Recently she has started to get really fussy in the evening, usually between 7pm and 9pm. We mentioned this to the doctor because we try everything to calm her and nothing works. He is having us try something to help with acid-reflux if that turns out to be the problem and then he mentioned colic. We are hoping the acid-reflux drops work because there is nothing to help with colic. We'll see how it goes.

Here are her stats from her first doctors appointment and then for this weeks appointment:

August 22, 2011
Height- 19 1/2 inches = 50%
Weight- 8 lbs 1 oz = 75%

September 6, 2011
Height- 21 1/2 inches = 90%
Weight- 9lbs 5 oz = 75%


2 weeks old

Not much new to update on the little peapod. She is still sleeping through the night except for feedings and has her awake moments during the day. We have continued to have several visitors and friends bringing over dinner which has been a HUGE help. I knew having a c-section would make things difficult, I just don't think I realized how difficult. Matt was able to stay home for almost the whole first 2 weeks. I am so thankful for him and all of his patience and help.
Madelyn has found a new love for her swing. She takes naps in this when I need a nap myself or need to make myself breakfast or lunch and Matt is at work.


Madelyn Claire- 1 week old

I can't believe my baby girl is 1 week old...okay, so this post is late which means she is a couple days past a week old. But, that is okay. Madelyn has had a wonderful first week. I keep telling Matt that I hope he understands how blessed we are. She sleeps through the night, except for her every 3 hour feedings. She usually lets us go one long spurt of sleep at night around 4-5 hours. During the day she has awake moments where she seems to just soak up the world around her. She is so alert when awake and usually has these moments about 3 times a day. Other than that she sleeps and wakes when she needs something whether it be a diaper change or to be fed.