
What's That?

I don't know what it is about those two little words,
maybe we use them a lot in our family.

Here's how our daily conversations go:


Big Moments

Madelyn has always been a GREAT sleeper.  
It seems like since the day she was born she has been able to distinguish day from night.
We have been very lucky.
I know.
Many people have reminded us that time and time again.

She likes routine.
She has always gone to bed for us sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. 
And gotten up for good sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m.
She goes to sleep so easily with her pink blanket and glow seahorse that makes music while I rock her.

Lately though she has had a bad habit of waking up crying around midnight or 4:00 in the morning.
Usually not both, just one or the other. 
And she won't go back to bed until I pick her up and cuddle her for a few or lay her next to me.

Well, here's to big moments.
Madelyn is now sleeping in her own room!
(yes, she has been sleeping in our room up until now- it was simply out of simplicity)
No judging allowed. 
Everybody does things differently.


1st Birthday Party Fun

What a success!
We are so very lucky to have such wonderful family and friends
who came to celebrate our little Madelyn on her 1st birthday!

Madelyn was a little diva.  She loved every minute of it. 
She definitely entertained everyone with her smiling, clapping, and acting silly through it all.

We had Moe's catering for her party and it was delicious!
She received many new toys, clothes, and money to spend.

Smash cake fun!


Happy 1st Birthday!

A day full of favorites for the birthday girl!

pancakes and bananas.

Publix: first free sugar cookie.

Before daddy came home early: played and napped.

Lunch: noodles and bread
with nana, grandma, mommy, and daddy at Chili's.

365 days

I know all momma's out there say it, but I cannot believe 365 days have come and gone!
I feel like just yesterday we were in the hospital with this sweet, little thing-

I cannot believe how much she has grown and all that she has learned.
Everyday we come up with new words to describe her 
because she is constantly showing new personality traits, tricks, and moods.
She is sweet and silly.
She is kind and loving.
She is crazy and wild.
She is an observer and a quick learner.
She is friendly and happy.
She is tender hearted and thoughtful.

Matt and I are so very luck to have her in our lives
 and could not be more blessed or lucky to be able to call her ours.

Madelyn's 1st year:
(in order- starting in the center, then moving clockwise from the top left- birth to 12 months)
We love you bebe!


1st Birthday Photo Shoot.

Thanks to my wonderful sisters and mom- Madelyn's 1st birthday photo shoot turned out perfect!
1 week till this sweet, little thing turns ONE!


It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...

Well- really it's not her birthday or party yet, but she did cry...
Luckily not the whole time.
Actually- some of my favorite pictures are when she's crying.


1st Birthday Invites...

Madelyn's first birthday invites have been signed, sealed, and delivered!
We look forward to celebrating this little peanut's first birthday soon.

Rock Stream, NY 2012

A trip with many firsts for Madelyn...

First shuttle ride.
First time at the airport. 

First airplane ride.
First car rental ride.
First time to New York.
First visit with a few new cousins.

First time to Ted's for some good ol' hot dogs and fries.
First time in a lake.

 First time to Seneca Lake.


Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...

Madelyn got to do all of the above on our trek up north (read next post).
And let me tell you, she was such a good girl, but definitely all tuckered out.
 On the plane with mommy and daddy
 and in her car seat sleeping in the rental car after arriving.