
Rain, Rain Go Away...

We were lucky enough to not have any major flooding problems through this crazy, rainy time...but we did have a nice little waterfall with a mini river in our back yard. Stinks when other people's water runs through your backyard.


Fun finds in our yard

A hawk on our back fence

The bunnies like our yard; sadly they like our flowers too

Jackson saying "Please, can I go get the bunny?"


Labor Day

So our family decided to make a trek up north and spend the day by the river. Some fished, some ate, some relaxed...and some did it all. :) Here are a few pictures that captured our day:

The family

Matt fishing

Me and my niece, Lydia Grace

Jackson having a blast

The whole gang- plus or minus a few

Just us

It was a wonderful day with beautiful weather!


The Scary Killer Wasp!!

Ok, so it's not really a 'killer' of people but it is called the Cicada Killer Wasp which is a really BIG, gross type of wasp. It was living in our back yard and my husband was finally able to get rid of it...lets just hope it didn't have any little babies. We had to take a picture of it because it was such a big type of wasp. SCARY. I had bad dreams about this thing. Notice in the picture that it is still curled up a little bit and is about an inch and a half long!!!
I hope we don't have anymore of these things living around our house!

Our Favorite Furry Little Friend

Our favorite little boy turned one on August 21st. Happy Birthday Jackson!!