
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

Yes. We have reached that stage. 
Madelyn will test me in everything I do and say these days.

If I say 'come on, lets go'. 
She stops in her tracks and looks at me like 
'And what are you gonna do if I don't come?'

If I say 'don't put that in your mouth'.
 She stares me dead in the eye and moves it closer as if saying 
'And why not...'

If I say 'it's time to go inside'.
 and she's not ready it's 'No!' 
After many attempts at getting her to come inside nicely 
and many attempts at her testing with the word 'No!' 
Which soon leads to a quick burst scream from her as if saying 'I said no!' 

I tell you what. 
And I know she gets that from me, but that doesn't make it any better.

The sad thing is I have to turn my head because I'm often
laughing at this new found independence.
Hopefully this is just a phase and like many other milestones...this too shall pass.

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