

Madelyn is all about hide and seek these days.
She either calls it 'seek' or just yells 'count'
and I have to remember what in the heck she's talking about.

She loves to hide in the most obvious of places, 
but gets a riot out of the whole game.

We ask her what number she wants us to count to.
Most of the time her response is 3, 6, or 10.

She and I made a quick stop at the pumpkin patch this week.
I thought she would love it...
well, let's just say she was more mesmerized 
with the gravel floors than anything else.

Here's hoping that a couple more trips to different locations 
will make her a little more excited.
This is one of my favorite times of the year!

They were super sweet and let her pick out a baby pumpkin to take home.
She knew right away which one she wanted.
'dis one'
'me punkin'

They then gave her stickers so she could decorate 
the pumpkins face if she wanted to...

Forget her new baby pumpkin at that point.
You would think we never gave the girl stickers.
She had every last one ripped off and stuck on her.

Happy Fall!
Here's to cooler days and more time outside soaking it in!

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