
Spanish Perhaps...

Madelyn's cry.
I don't think I have ever mentioned it before, but let me tell you...
it is a cry that makes you chuckle.

I need to get it on video, but every time I am videoing and I can tell she is starting to get fussy I turn it off.
Thinking to myself 'who wants to watch a video of her crying'.  
Of course, then I realize that later we will all want to remember how she cried.

It is quite hard to describe what she does...
She vibrates her tongue.
She sounds like she is rolling her R's.

Matt says she is going to do really well learning Spanish.  

Here she is at 7 1/2 months old trying to eat a candy wrapper and her thumb.

**Oh- and Madi-girl is crawling!  This happened as of March 31st.  I wanted to do a special post on this big accomplishment, but the video footage we caught of her first real crawl is on my phone.  One day.

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