Yes, those would be the two things I believe my child dislikes most.
Santa was a no go this year.
She wouldn't even let me hold her and sit near Santa.
We go to the mall and walk past him just to let her wave and
she shakes her head no vigorously letting me know she does not want to go any closer.
So no, Santa pictures this year...
The doctor's office was a no go for her 15 month check up as well.
Well, we went...but she most certainly let everyone know that she did not want to be there.
She was all cute and sweet in the waiting room waving and saying hi to all the other people waiting.
Then, we get called back and the moment we entered the room we were going to be stationed in she shook her little head no and said uh-uh, which of course means NO.
She kept reaching for the door.
She most definitely did not like being cooped up in that little room.
She screamed her head off just to have her head measured and length, and weight checked.
15 month stats:
Height- 30 1/4 = 40th percentile
Weight- 21 lbs 11 oz = 29th percentile
Doctor walks in.
He hasn't even touched her yet...she's screaming.
At one point she claps and the doctor laughs because the poor bebe is such a hysterical mess.
Nurse comes back.
So, far so good.
Try to lay her back down on the table and I swear she had the death grip on me.
The nurse gave her three shots nice and quickly.
Yes, she screamed and cried...
but I tell you what, it wasn't any louder than any of the previous screaming and crying.
As we are walking out of our room and go to schedule our next appointment
she immediately starts telling everyone bye-bye.
The girl couldn't have gotten out of there any quicker.
Oh, how I don't look forward to our next visits to the doctor.
We can avoid Santa, but the doctor...that's another story.
So, I will not leave you with screaming Santa and doctor picture because naturally I didn't take them.
I was too busy trying to console the screaming and crying.
Instead I leave you with this...