
4 Months Old

Baby Madi is 4 months old and such a happy girl.
She has many new favorites and can do many more tricks!
Little M can roll over now.  During tummy time (which she hates) she'll most often end up on her back.
She likes to grab her feet and suck on her toes.

She loves to suck her thumb pretty constantly...especially when she is tired. 
She loves to pull out her paci and look at it. 
She loves to try to put her paci back in her mouth...sometimes she makes it.
She loves to be toted around in her baby carrier or the Moby Wrap facing forward so she can get in on all the action. 

She loves helping with anything you are doing (typing on the computer, texting on your phone, looking at magazines or books, eating).
She tried Rice Cereal for the first time and loved it. 

She gets so excited seeing familiar faces, toys, or things she likes.  Open mouth, arms out excited.

She plays bashful sometimes.  Smiling while turning her head like she's embarrassed or shy.
She plays tricks- frowns like she is going to cry and then smiles real big.  
She has learned how to blow raspberries and does it every now and then making a slobbery mess.
She likes to bury her head in your neck. 
Everyday she seems to do something new and we couldn't be more excited about it!
Love you baby girl!!

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