
3 Months Old

This update is coming a little late, but Little M is 3 months old and I can hardly believe it!
She is all smiles. 
She makes you work hard for her laugh. 
She loves to get in the big bathtub to play. 
She loves to stare at people. 
She is wanting to play more and more. 
She loves sitting up. She loves her fingers- especially her thumb. 
She loves to be read to. 

She talks oh so softly and sometimes sounds like a little kitty cat.
She is loving more people than just her momma. 
She is beginning to love her carseat and car rides- for the most part. 
She's beginning to realize when to cry- which is mainly when she's overly hungry or overly tired- otherwise she'll just give little whimpers or a fake little whine. 

*Pictures to come.  My husband got me a new camera and I haven't quite played with it enough to load pictures.

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