
Ophelia Ryan Calak

Welcome to the world...
What is it with me and going into labor at midnight?
We dropped Madelyn off at nana and papa's around 2:00 a.m.
Headed to the hospital and to our surprise another little baby girl joined us after waiting
38 weeks + 6 days on Saturday, September 3rd at 4:52 a.m.
She weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and measured 19.25 inches long
I had a very different experience this time as opposed to my emergency C-section with Madelyn.
This time I walked right into the Operating Room and waved bye to Matt who waited in the hallway until he was allowed to enter. I remember how cold and white the room was.  With Madelyn I don't remember much, but the blue covering across my chest.
The same doctor delivered Ophelia as did Madelyn. Total random happening.
I was wheeled into the recovery room and once in the clear I was moved into what would be my room for the next couple of days.
Introducing Ophelia Ryan Calak







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