I can't believe Pre-K.
We debated this decision over and over.
Being a stay at home mom I in no way needed to send her to Pre-K.
I would keep her all to myself all day every day if I could,
But I remember how much fun I had at school and I want her to have that same experience.
I hope she makes some great friends, loves her teachers and
enjoys school as much as I did when I was little.
When I was holding her little hand walking down the hallway to her classroom this I the conversation we had:
Madelyn: Mommy, I think I'm a little bit scared.
Me: I know, baby, but you will have so much fun (as I choke back the tears so she doesn't see me crying)
And that was it. I couldn't say much more in fear of crying in front of her.
And she didn't need to say anything more.
I kissed her and told her how much I loved her and that I would see her in just a couple of hours.
She gave me a great big hug and waved goodbye as she proceeded to follow the teachers directions.
Then I walked away crying.
Go figure.

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