
First Dentist Visit

You were nervous.
Who wouldn't be.
Random people looking at you, calling your name, looking in your mouth, 
random tools in your mouth, etc...

I'd be nervous too...oh, wait. I still am when I go.
I don't care for the dentist much.
I hope to change that outlook for you.

You cried to hold daddy's hand the whole time which melted my heart.
You loved getting to pick out your own princess toothbrush 
and special surprises for being such a good girl.

You were such a big girl and we are so proud of you for being so brave!

The dentist gave us some great advice for the paci situation...
you still take a paci to go to sleep.
Luckily he said no worries.
 Your mouth looked great and his kids took a paci until they were three.

We have a few tips for how to wean you from it and 
we plan on using his advice over the next coming months.
Fingers are crossed!

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