
Super Girl

Cutest Super Girl I've ever seen.


Merry Christmas Part 2

Madelyn was a pro at opening gifts. 
I still don't think she quite gets the whole Santa thing. 
Maybe that's a good thing for now...
the whole stranger coming down the chimney thing might scare he off. 

We enjoyed our time with family and Madelyn made out like a bandit. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!



Someone is obsessed.
Anything involving a parade our girl is there.
Whether it be on TV or in real life.

We made it to downtown Kennesaw for the annual Christmas Parade.
She couldn't have been happier.

She waved and smiled at everyone who walked by.
She loved the marching band.
And did not understand the that she could get free candy when thrown at her...
she just stared at it on the ground until another kid came along to pick it up.


Disney Live

For part of Madelyn's Christmas gifts 
we bought her tickets to go see Disney Live: Princess and Pirates.
We went with our dear friends The Robbins.

Madelyn and Bryce enjoyed every minute of it.
They were able to see a brief Doc McStuffins show before 
Mickey and Minnie Mouse came on to introduce Princess Sofia where Cinderella made an appearance.
Then Jake and the Neverland Pirates featured Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.

The girls had fun singing and dancing.
Madelyn still talks to this day about the 'fireworks' 
and how the money flew out and scared her.
(Which was really just big fake canons that shot confetti money out in the audience,
but it made a loud noise and we all jumped)

We left to go eat at the Big Chow afterwards with the Robbins.
What a fun and exciting day for the girls!


Meeting Santa

Happy girl.
We'd been talking about Santa for quite some time now.
She was so excited to go see him.
There she is looking on at him...
not so sure anymore.

Third time's a charm, right...
(First year she was too little to know what was going on.
Second year- no picture because she would not let go of her tight grip
 around my neck or stop crying)

I believe the pictures say it all. 
How she 'acted' for the picture in the first one...
but how she really felt in the second one.

I don't blame you one bit, Madelyn.
If someone told me some old, strange man 
was bringing me gifts if I was good I would be a little skeptical as well.
Thank you for cooperating for a picture though, sweet love.



She loves to get all dolled up and go shopping with mommy.
As much as she loves it though, she would probably choose digging in the dirt
any day over being a diva.


Merry Christmas Part 1

Family Picture Time!
I always love getting new pictures.
Thanks to my wonderful sis,
Erni Family Photography.