
Common Phrases...

In her language might I add...

I did it.
Dood job. (Good job)
Siddy, (insert name here) (silly)
I catch you (I'll catch you)
I getch you (I'll get you)
Come (come here)

Oopsy Daisy...Mickey, Minnie...
(I think she picked this one up from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)

I scared.
Me do it.
Daddy at work.

Daddy stink. 
(He always has to change out of his work clothes when he comes home, 
so she relates this to...daddy stinks.  Or if you tell her you have to shower)

I girl.
I boy.
Goo gur (good girl)
Minnie big nose.
(Her stuffed Minnie Mouse who apparently she things has a big nose)

Whasat. (What's that)
Dark in here. 
(When it's getting late)

I drive car.
I walk.
(This usually relates to shopping)

Hold you. (hold me)

Mommy hold you baby 
(if she wants me to hold her like a baby or if she's sees a woman holding a baby)

Hot here
 (if the sun is shining on her at all)

(we call Jackson this - don't ask why 'cause I don't know)

Mommy work out. 
(If I have to put on anything that resembles slouchy/workout clothes)

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