
Look Who's Two!

My sweet, little Madelyn,
How are you so big already! 

You turned TWO this morning.

I can't believe this day has come. Time is flying by so quickly and I wish you'd stay little forever! 

You are so unbelievably sweet, thoughtful, and curious. You love to sit down with blocks for building things with daddy (especially tunnels). You love to read books in your bed by yourself until you fall asleep. You love finding your 'AB's' with Scrabble pieces with mommy.

 You love to talk mommy's ears off.  Sometimes I wonder if I need to start carrying ear plugs in the car because all I hear from your sweet little voice is 'mommy, mommy, mommy...' And this goes on for the whole car ride. And I have to answer and repeat everything you say because that's how you know I'm understanding and listening to every little word you say. And even though sometimes my ears may be tired of listening or you may think I'm not... I promise, baby girl, I am! I hear you point out every truck and bus. I hear you tell me you want to listen to a new song. I hear you tell me you want to listen to your AB's. I hear you tell me that we need to 'watch for green' when we're sitting at a red light. I hear you tell me you want your milk and a snack. I hear every single word, baby girl.

You are curious about the world around you and ask about things you don't know while also naming every little thing you do know. You like for me to kiss your boo boo's when you get hurt. You are one tough girl though. You end up with bumps and bruises and cuts that I'm not sure when you even got because you shake it off so well.

You are a schedule keeper. You like to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time everyday. You go to bed and wake up about the same time everyday. And if we do something a couple of days in a row you think that is what we are supposed to do everyday. Like a couple of days in a row when we went to the pool then came home and watched one of your movies. Now you think we are supposed to watch a movie every time we come home from the pool. Or like the time we went outside and ate a frozen banana on the front porch and now you think every time you eat a banana you need to go sit on the front porch. You are a creature of habit. You are stubborn. You have an opinion on just about everything and you let it be known. 

You are a good listener. You are helpful. You love to help mommy and daddy clean up your toys. Sometimes you clean up all by yourself.  Sometimes you even get upset if I don't allow you enough time to clean up whatever it is that you have set in your little mind that needs to be cleaned right then.  

You can count to ten.  You can sing most of your ABC's (skipping a few letters of course)
You know most of your colors (sometimes brown and black can be tricky).
You love puzzles or should I say "zupples" (Madi language) 
and are very good at them...almost scary good.
You are obsessed with The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  
Minnie is your favorite thing tote around with you.
You still sleep with a paci and I am not looking forward to the day
 that I have to tell you you are a big girl and don't need it anymore.
You love to hold hands (especially now since things are starting to make you a little nervous
or scared, like when mommy makes her smoothie and it makes a loud noise. 
or when a stranger gets too close).

You are very creative. You like to color, draw, paint, build, examine, and sing.
You love to ask questions.  You love to repeat yourself.  You love learning. Period.
This I am very thankful for.
You take time to sit and listen.  You take time to look around you.
You take time to say I'm sorry...sometimes even when you have done nothing wrong
(like if mommy does something silly like trips over a toy or runs into the table).
You take time to say I love you.  You take time to give hugs and kisses.

Oh, what a happy day this is...
and to you it literally is a "Happy Day"!!
(This is how you say Happy Birthday right now).

We love you so very much and are so happy we get to share this life with you!
Happy 2nd Birthday Little Love.

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