
Baby or Big Girl?

Who's to say...
If you ask Madelyn she'll probably tell you she's a baby. 
The whole "that's for babies" trick doesn't work on her right now. 
In a way I'm kind of glad.
She's definitely still my little baby.
I try to tell her paci's are for babies....
Baby food is for babies...
or crying is what babies do, use your words...

Well, Madelyn will pat her little chest and say-  Me. Baby. 
It really is the sweetest thing.
 Then we'll go to the store or be out and about and
she has to point out every baby she sees and all I can do is think to myself,
but you're still a baby...maybe not.a teeny, tiny infant baby,
but you're definitely not a big girl yet...
not in your momma's eyes.

These days she likes to try to dress herself, run (which is pronounced 'wun' in our house), build with blocks, count to ten (she can get to six- needs a little help from there sometimes), sing and dance, tell people to 'watch' or 'chach' (catch) (this includes watching her do something or having a ball flying at your face then hearing the word 'chach'), jump, look for AB's in books, words, at stores, on clothing,
where ever she sees them. 
We love you sweet Madelyn and you're growing up too fast!

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