

Madelyn loves to identify things now.
See a baby
See a dog
See her daddy
See her mommy

The list goes on....
of course the ones I listed above are her top go to identifying words.
She also likes to identify socks, shoes, and hats.

She is a growing machine these days.
When she's hungry she says 'eat'.
When she wants to play she says 'play'.
When she puts things away she says 'back'.
She constantly uses her please and thank you's for the most part.

She says 'more' and uses the sign for it.
She still says and uses the sign for please and thank you as well.

She says 'truck' and 'yuck'
She says 'rain' and 'choo-choo' for train.

She also likes to get your attention now.
Through out the day I will hear
'Momma, momma, momma...'
My response of course is 'yes, baby or angel or sweet girl?'
I get a different response each time.
Sometimes just a smile, sometimes a wave, sometimes she jabbers like she's telling me something, 
and other times she points to something like she wants to show me something.

 I can't believe how quickly they learn.
She's only 18 months!
Where has my little baby gone!!

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