
Holding Hands

I'm very fortunate to say that this little girl loves to hold her momma's hand.
Of course it's not an option when we are crossing the street or in a crowded area, 
but it's nice to know that she willingly reaches for my hand even when she doesn't have to hold it.


Kennesaw Mountain

This girl:

Is trying really hard to get into better shape.

Yes, Madelyn and I have been running...
but it can get old and we need more.

Thank goodness for new friends and the mountain.

Week 1 Hiking the mountain with new friends.
They strolled up like is was no big thing 
while I tried to keep up huffing and puffing 
and being ever so grateful when Madelyn needed me to stop 
and hand her a snack or something so I could use her as an excuse.

Week 2 Hiking the mountain with new friends.
I think it was even more difficult this time.
Go figure.
It was also colder, so I don't know if that made a difference.
I have to keep telling myself that I am pushing about 30 pounds (Madelyn + stroller) of weight
up a mountain though.


Finger Dexterity and Curiosity

Peeling tape.
A simple activity that keeps her entertained for a surprising amount of time.
She loves working her little fingers to peel of the tape 
and then hands me the strip she just pulled off to do it again.

Checking out tire treads on the concrete.
On her own free will.
We were just taking one of our daily walks and she decides
to get on the ground to check it out.

She picked the colors all by herself.
Her daddy was proud.
Of course by the end we had used every paint color we had,
but she started with orange and blue.

Eating all by herself.
This girl is now feeding herself at pretty much every meal.
It's about the only thing she eats all day besides snacks.
She feeds herself oatmeal, baby food, yogurt, pudding, etc...
She loves it!

I can definitely see how quickly she is growing
and even though it is oh, so much fun
It is very sad to see that the once little baby girl is turning into a toddler.


Bed and Books

First thing Madelyn wants when she wakes up from her nap:
A book.

That one book quickly turns into a pile of books:

Eventually you just have to grab her from her bed 
and take her downstairs or she would probably sit there all day reading.

I just hope this love for reading sticks with her for a long time!


Cool Girl

Bubble blowing outside with her shades on.
Can't get any cooler than that.
She even says 'Bubbles' now!
As well as 'Outside'.


Talking up a Storm

Madelyn is definitely on to the blabbering stage.
She's still shy around others, but I tell you what...
She sure will tell you stories if she knows you and feels comfortable with you.
She talks to me all day long of course.
The moment her daddy walks in the door I swear she's telling him all about her day.
She doesn't stop.

Sweet girl.
She is also talking 'real' words more frequently.
She knows many animal sounds.
Dog, Cat, Snake, Bear, Horse, Cow, Pig, Squirrel...I'm probably forgetting something.
She consistently says 'please' which has now turned into sounding like 'peas' instead of just 'ssss'
She sometimes says thank you.
She says Jackson which has turned into sounding more like 'GG'.
She says Book.
'Mow' for Mickey Mouse.
'Uh-uh' for No.
Momma, Dadda, Nana, and Papa.
And when something is little and cute she makes little tiny baby noises to talk about it.


Angel Babies

On our walk through the neighborhood Madelyn 
always has to stop and say hi to the angel babies.
That's what we call them anyway.

She points to them and talks to them.
It's pretty darn cute.
Now, will I be putting angel babies in our yard?
Heck no.
But, if she wants to say hi to them on our walks then so be it.



Have no fear.
In case you are unsure of Madelyn's likes and dislikes
or wants and want nots
She will let you know.

She is still sweet as ever, 
but has got a little mind of her own now.
She will give you her opinion on food, music, television, toys, etc...

While in the car listening to music.
M: Uh-uh.
Me: You don't want to listen to this?
M: Uh-uh.
Me: (Change the station)
M: Uh-uh.
Me: (Change the station)
M: Uh-uh.
Me: (Change the station)
 While at home watching 'Toons' (Cartoons)
M: Mow.
Me: You don't want to watch this?
M: Uh-uh.  Mow.
Me: You want to watch Mickey Mouse.
M: (Cheesy smile and nods her head)

I love her little Opinionated mind and her ways of trying to let you know what she wants.



Thank goodness she aleady has a love for reading.
You can find her reading in various positions.
Much like this:

She loves to be read to,
but also spends quality time reading on her own.
A few of her favorites:
Baby Einstein Alphabooks
The Big Red Barn
Pretty much any animal book and she's hooked.