
11 months

I cannot believe our sweet, little baby girl is soon to be ONE!
Madelyn is such a riot these days. 
She can make a big toothy grin.
And she can be quite a drama queen at times (notice the pictures below).

She waves at strangers.
She nods her head yes.
She wants to walk so badly.  Tries her best to take off while holding on to your finger.

She loves to give 'love' to her stuffed friends.  She 'gives love' by putting it up to her shoulder rocking back and forth and saying "Awwwwe". 
She loves to go to the pool and play on the stairs with her cousin Liam.

She will put her mouth in the water from time to time and blow bubbles.
She takes two naps a day- a morning and afternoon nap.
She goes to bed every night between 8 and 9...unless we happen to be out late doing something, which rarely happens.  We like a happy baby. 
She has four teeth- bottom two and top two.
She crawls like a spider monkey (that's what we call it) from time to time- mainly when she doesn't like the feel of the ground- like on grass or concrete.
She wakes up every night to be snuggled in bed with us. 
She blows kisses.
She has learned that she has nose holes.  Need I say more.
(still trying to capture a picture of this)
She rubs her head, cheeks, face, basically EVERYWHERE when she is eating now so she ends up a total mess. 

She acts like she's reading books- flips the pages and jabbers away.
I weighed her on the scale at home today and it says she weights 18.8 pounds. 
Love our sweet, little 11 month old!

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