And I can hardly believe it!
Madi-girl is so curious and lively. I think we are going to have our hands full when she starts crawling.
She sits all by herself.
She sits up very straight most of the time.
She loves playing with and watching her cousins Lydia and Liam.
She rarely swings for me anymore.
She likes to be rocked to sleep and stay in my arms.
We have reverted back to the rock n play for bedtime sleep for now.
She loves to be carried around on your hip or in a wrap to see what is going on all around her.
She loves going for walks in her big girl stroller so she can see.
She so badly wants to eat everything we are eating.
She can get onto her tummy from sitting position, but not often and not very easily.
She rubs her feet together until her socks come off.
We have a little tikes piano that she loves to bang on.