
11 weeks of Joy

Little M is very curious about the world around her.

She is officially a thumbsucker if she doesn't have her paci.

She is beginning to love daddy time much more than she used to.

She is loving her hands...not just to suck on her thumb, but she loves to look at them, clasp  them together, and grab things.  Even momma's hair sometimes.

This week I go back to work and I am not sure how I am feeling about it. I love those I work with and I love what I do, but I am so nervous to leave this little love.
I am afraid of missing her firsts.
First giggle. First word. First crawl. First step.

I'm afraid of her crying all day (even though I know my mom would not let this happen)- But, little love sure does love her mommy time.
I'm sure most mom's have these worries. Luckily, my sweet love gets to be with her cousins and nana. I can't imagine what it would be like leaving her with a complete stranger at a daycare of such- mom's that do not have the priviledge I have I'm sure feel 10x the worry I feel.

Another good thing is I go back to work on a Thursday- so I only have to worry about getting through Thursday and Friday to begin with- not a whole week thank goodness.
Can you tell I am trying to stay positive about it...

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