
2 Month Doctors Visit

We love going to the doctor to see how big our baby girl is getting, but this time we had to get shots. Boo. Hurt my little heart. Glad a little cuddle time afterward though cleared those cries right up. She was extra snuggly and sleepy after the visit. The doctor upped her dosage of Baby Zantac to hopefully help her a little more with her spitting up. She was getting it once a day in the evenings and seemed to be helping since she never really spits up at night anymore. So, hopefully now her days will be better as well!
Little M is now:
Height: 22 1/2 inches (54%)
Weight: 11 lbs 3 1/2 oz (59%)

She is all smiles at me in the morning. Loves nakey time (just a diaper on). She's making more and more cooes everyday...still no laugh yet though. She loves sucking on her hands and manages to get her thumb in her mouth at times. Doctors report was wonderful. She is growing beautifully and is achieving all milestones that are usually hit around this time. Go Little M!

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