
Cousin Time!

We sure do love cousin time! This is little M with her cousin L. He is 7 weeks older and sure does love to babble. M is not quite sure what to think of her cousin right now. She will turn her head and take little peeks at him every now and then, but that's about it for now. I can't wait for them to start babbling to each other! (10 weeks old)

Superman + Big Girl

We call her our little superman when it is tummy time- she lifts both arms and legs and just rocks on her belly. Surprisingly she was happy enough during this tummy time adventure that we were able to get her sweet face NOT screaming.

Little M is also becoming quite a "big girl" (not really- she's still rather little). But, she likes to spend a few minutes each day in her Bumbo. She spends her time looking around and chewing on her hands. (9 weeks old)

My Sweet, Little Love

Thanks to my sister we were able to get this beautiful shot of our sweet, little love while at the pumpkin patch! (9 weeks old)


Family Outings

We love family outings! This time we went to the Pumpkin Patch and State Park to climb the falls. My sister took most of the pictures...but we managed to get a few. I used the Moby Wrap to carry little M up and down the falls. So thankful I have this wrap! Made carrying her very easy.

It was an absolutely beautiful Saturday to be outdoors.


2 Month Doctors Visit

We love going to the doctor to see how big our baby girl is getting, but this time we had to get shots. Boo. Hurt my little heart. Glad a little cuddle time afterward though cleared those cries right up. She was extra snuggly and sleepy after the visit. The doctor upped her dosage of Baby Zantac to hopefully help her a little more with her spitting up. She was getting it once a day in the evenings and seemed to be helping since she never really spits up at night anymore. So, hopefully now her days will be better as well!
Little M is now:
Height: 22 1/2 inches (54%)
Weight: 11 lbs 3 1/2 oz (59%)

She is all smiles at me in the morning. Loves nakey time (just a diaper on). She's making more and more cooes everyday...still no laugh yet though. She loves sucking on her hands and manages to get her thumb in her mouth at times. Doctors report was wonderful. She is growing beautifully and is achieving all milestones that are usually hit around this time. Go Little M!


Too sweet not to share...

Just came across these photos in my email and thought they were too sweet not to share. My sister in law took these pictures of little M the first few days we were home from the hospital.


Stationery card

Dainty Denote Pink Birth Announcement
Create beautiful birth announcements at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.


Beautiful Baby Eyes

Little M- 7 weeks old

The many faces of little M

I love making faces, sitting like a big girl on the couch, kicking my legs, staring at the person talking to me, and wearing snuggly pj's!

Lean with it

Little M- 6 weeks old

These are a few of my favorite things...

Jackson loves little M. He can't get enough of her. Every time we talk to her he has to be right there in her face. He has become quite protective...barks at every little noise he hears outside. Gotta find a way to stop that. But, these are our loves. Jackson and little M, we love you!