Making Friends
To be a kid again. At least that's what I claim out loud. No adult responsibilities. It would be wonderful! Right?
Then again to watch Madelyn start Kindergarten and now move on to 1st grade I see and I am reminded how hard it can really be to be a kid.
Many 1st days of school to get through.
Trying to make friends.
Learning literally EVERTHING- from how to be a good citizen and human being to math and reading and writing.
To say I am so proud of Madelyn and all she does on a daily basis is an understatement.
Just the other day she came home from school and whispered in my ear:
Madelyn- mommy, guess what, I made a new friend today(all the smiles).
Me- Really!? You did? Where? Is your new friend in your class? Did you make friends at lunch or on the playground? (trying not to hound her with 20 questions- pretty much everyone likes her. She's hard not to like, so this isn't surprising to make a new friend. It's just she seems to have this fear within her to come out of her shell in front of others or even just talk to others)
Anyways- back to the cuteness of our conversation.
Madelyn- she's in my station in class. She asked me if I wanted to be her friend and I said yes(beaming).
Me- I am so proud of you! (Biggest hug)
Seems like such a small thing. But things like this are so big to her and mean a lot.
If only in our adult life we could make friends just by simply asking.