
Kindergarten Field Day

Kindergarten is coming to an end.
Madelyn has loved making new friends and her teachers were wonderful.
We are very thankful for such a great school for her to attend.
Field day was full of Kindergarten fun!


Kindergarten in a nutshell.

1st day of school- in the library.

Mother's Day sweetness.

 Kona Ice!

 Field Trip to INK.

 Lunch with friends.

 Apple tasting day.

 Field trip to The Art Barn.

Halloween fun.
The girls.


Eight Months

You are crawling.
This makes me so very happy, yet so very sad.
 Bittersweet for sure.

You are pulling up on things to stand.
Pretty much all you want to do these days is stand.

You still eat basically anything we feed you.
You are starting to show more likes and dislikes just by the amount you will eat of one thing versus another.

You are babbling more.
You say Dada!
You also say Yaya.  Baba.
Sometimes Maba.
But no Mama yet.
You still like to squeal.
and scream

Madelyn wasn't much of a squealer or screamer, so this is new to us.
You always seem like you have a lot to say.