Ophelia Ryan.
You are beginning to nuzzle & snuggle me on your own.
You are so smiley and have begun to laugh. I think you are going to be difficult like your sister was though with getting you to laugh. It has only happened a few times and it has just been little chuckles. You love grabbing onto things whether it be my shirt, a finger, a toy or a blankie.You also love your feet and your fingers.
You have really shown signs of knowing mommy and daddy by fussing when someone else holds you if we are nearby. You can roll from back to tummy and tummy to back.
You love your sister!
You stare at her. Smile at her. And I just know you are going to be her little shadow as soon as you are mobile. You drool on everything! Your shirt is constantly wet. We are going to have to start using bibs!
Sleep: You go to bed around 6:30 p.m.
You usually sleep a good 5-7 hour stretch. Wake for a diaper change and to be nursed.
Then sleep for another 3-4 hour stretch. Wake for a diaper change and to be nursed.
Then sleep the last 2-3 hour stretch to be awake around 7:00 a.m.
Naps on the other hand are more of a challenge.
I have started nursing you a little before naps which has helped a lot! You like your face to be covered with a blankie. You have begun to hum yourself to sleep (cutest think ever!) You nap about 4 times throughout the day. One of them usually while I wear you. You love to be worn! If ever you are grumpy I can rely on putting on the carrier and just wearing you.
Ophelia and Ezra (cousins- almost 4 months apart)