7 year Anniversary
Toddler Takeover 2015
Farmhouse in the City
First nightmare.
Well. That we know of. First real one she's been able to express that's what it was and what it was all about.
Apparently the girl doesn't like snakes.
She woke up screaming crying and I knew the moment I heard it 'uh-oh. Something's wrong. '
She said snakes were everywhere. In her bed. On her bean bag. In her closet. And then she added that one even licked her toe and another kissed her foot.
Well. At least they were nice snakes.
She said she used her imagination. I went on further to discuss how it wasn't real -just in case she didn't understand her own use of the word imagination- and how next time she can just close her eyes. Think of something happy. And count to 10. Because what kind of advice do you give a 3 year old with a nightmare!?