One might wonder how these two relate to one another.
Well, let me tell you both were involved in a birthday party the other day.
Madelyn's cousins just had a pool party for their birthdays the other day
and we swam, ate, opened presents and all...or should I say most...of the kids
took some good ol' swats at the cute little owl pinatas.
Let's start with the gift opening -
All the kids are sitting so nicely watch L and L open their birthday gifts.
I'm sitting on one end writing down who gave what gift while Madelyn
is at the other end wanting to sit with all the kids and act like a big girl.
At one point I hear a toot...I mean, it wasn't loud, but it
definitely had a vibrating sound to it. I kinda chuckled to myself and looked around at all
the kids to see who looked suspicious.
Well, when I got to Madelyn she looked over at me with a big smile and whispered/mouthed to me
'I tooted!'
All I could think was 'oh, great. That was my kid'
Let's jump on over to the fun of whacking a pinata to make candy fall out.
Sounds fun, right?
Well, little timid M did not think this sounded fun at all.
I picked her up and she buried her face in my neck
and wouldn't watch all the kids take turns.
I was telling her it was okay.
That really you are supposed to hit the pinata until candy falls out.
That it really is fun.
Not for her.
She finally would sit in my lap and watch, but did she want to take a turn at whacking the pinata?
No way.
And when candy fell she casually picked up one piece at a time
acting like what in the heck kind of game is this?!?
So, I guess we will forego the pinata idea for her birthday party this year.
Happy Birthday L and L. We had a blast even if Madelyn
did not get a kick out of the pinata and tooted while you were opening gifts.