Madelyn is getting ever so creative these days.
On Sunday she decided her daddy was going to be called 'doghouse'...
pretty much all day long.
She has gotten the biggest kick out of it.
She thinks she is a riot.
(which of course she is).
She's really into names these days.
She's always wanting to know what's his name, how about her name, what's so and so's mommy's name, what's so ans so's daddy's name...
what's mommy's full name, what's daddy's full name,
and yes, what's Jackson's full name.
I'm not sure if we ever really gave Jackson, the dog, a middle name,
but one of his many nicknames is Douglas,
so I have been telling her Douglas.
And you better believe that is the funniest thing in the world.
I'll say Jackson Douglas Calak.
And she'll giggle and say 'Dougwis' and giggle some more.
I pretty much get asked every day now what Jackson's full name is.