
Fist Report Card

And it came from gymnastics.
 She received a perfect score...
if there is such a thing.
All checks that she has accomplished
everything in her age group
(except for hopscotch, but who does at the age of two?!)

Way to go, Madelyn!


Two and a half.

My little lovey...
How could this be.
Two and a half.

Most mornings these days start off with some variation of this:
M - Yook, mommy, I sooo big! I getting sooo big!
(reaching for the sky)
Me - Yes, baby, you are getting so big.
M - just like mommy and daddy.
Me - You're right.  Just don't get too big too fast, okay?
M - (she laughs) mommy, you siddy.

Since I can't bottle you up or freeze time here goes...

Oh my goodness, how you make us laugh.
You are quiet and inquisitive.
Yet you talk mommy and daddy's ears off.

Your favorite cartoon is still Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
You're beginning to love movies more and more.
A few of your favorites are: The Jungle Book, Finding Nemo, Tangled, and Frozen.

You love going to the library.
Your newest phrase is an excited 'huh?' 
You love to sing and dance.
You love to play in your room.
When you cry you say your eyes are dripping.
You call yourself 'you' most of the time.
You are potty trained.
You love breakfast food and could eat it any time of day.
You love chocolate milk.

You often calls us 'mom' and 'dad' instead of 'mommy' and 'daddy'.
You say I love you now without being prompted.
You put your fingers in your mouth or play with your tongue when you're being nervous or shy.

You are a repeater. 
You will say something over and over until you hear a response...
and it can't just be a yes or no response.
You pretty much sleep in shorts and a t-shirt with no covers no matter the temperature outside.
You know your ABC's. Numbers 1-10. And some of your letter sounds. You know your basic shapes.

You love animals and saying 'Awe, so tute!'
You are kind and loving.
You are thoughtful and a sweet friend.
You are a little bossy.
You are inquisitive,  but very timid and serious about things.
You have a great little imagination.
You still love swinging more than anything when we go to the park.
You have a very tender heart and can cry pretty easily because of this.
Your days are filled with gymnastics, storytime, and music class right now.
You are becoming very much a daddy's girl.

We love you Madelyn Claire!


Winter Wonderland...AGAIN!

Believe it or not Georgia had it's second snow!
This one was much more appreciated.
 School was closed.
Matt was home.

And Madelyn was just as excited to get out and play in it.
Luckily, a few minutes in the cold and she is good.
We would love to spend more time out there rolling in it,
but when you don't have snow suits or any good winter gloves or shoes
that cold snow just turns you into a wet mess.


Gymnastics- Promoted

Someone has moved into the big girl class at Gymnastics.
Yes, I almost cried my eyes out.
I even had a dream the previous night that I was crying about it
and everyone was starting at me like I was crazy.

What in the world is going to happen to me when she goes to Kindergarten!

We talked about it all morning.
She was going to go to a new class with new friends, 
but her teacher Ms. Jennifer would still be there and
her best friend Bryce would still be there and
Mommy and Scocia would be right outside watching.

(her old class was a 'Mommy and Me' class where I
followed her around and helped her do everything
while Ms. Jennifer showed us what to do and 
stepped in and help if needed)

What a champ.
She went right along with 
Ms. Jennifer, Bryce, and her new 'friends'.
She does a great job and I am so glad
I moved her into this class.
It definitely challenges her more.