
Happy 9th birthday...

...atleast that's how I worded it to Madelyn on Thursday
when she officially turned 9 months old. 

She had her well visit on Friday and we couldn't be more blessed to have a healthy, happy little one.
9 month stats:
Weight- 17 lbs. 12 oz. (31%)
Height- 28 inches (70%)

She pretty much stared at the doctor for the first half of the visit and then cried and pouted the last half. 
She loves to pull and tear at the paper they roll out on the table. 
She showed the nurse how she can clap and talk (which is mostly grunting).
She had to get one shot and one toe prick. 
The toe prick she barely reacted to other than she looked at the nurse like 'what the heck?!'
The shot she was already upset for because she did not want to be laid down. 
She wanted to be held by mommy.
When the shot was given she jumped a little and of course cried- a poor hurt cry.
Breaks my heart every time. 
But Matt and I talk to her and tell her that it will make her a strong, healthy baby and that when we were little we had to do the same thing. 
I know the nurse probably thinks we're crazy.  ;)

Madelyn chillin at Sparkles with some of mommy's friends from work on her 9 month birthday. 


Friday Fun Day

We spend our Friday shopping, relaxing, and playing in the backyard.
She had so much fun in the freezing water!
Jackson enjoyed drinking the water while Madelyn played.

We cannot wait for the pool to open!
(8 1/2 months old)

And this is how she eats her snacks...

Need I say more.  :)
(8 1/2 months old)


One of our many adventures in playing Peek-A-Boo.
This was while we were at Orange Beach for Spring Break.
(7 1/2 months old)