
Oh, How Time Flies...7 months old

Madelyn Claire is a bundle of joy...and energy.  :)
She loves to play, and talk, and play, and talk...
I feel like so much has happened within the last few weeks.
Little one gives her mommy the BEST hugs. 
She will give me 10 hugs in a matter of 1 minute and it still doesn't seem like enough.
She is still loving her rice cereal.
We are now putting green beans in her rice cereal and she is loving it.
We have also tried green beans on their own. She does not like this so much, but makes the darn cutest faces.  She'll also gives a little shiver with that face and I can't help but give her one more bite just to watch her do it again. 
She loves sitting outside.  She will just look and listen to everything going on.
She loves to pick at the grass.
She scoots on her belly pushing herself backwards.
This is pretty funny because she will get stuck under things.
She can get from her tummy to sitting position to crawling position and back to tummy. 
She is a wiggle worm and wants to get into everything!
She loves the laptop, remotes, phones, paper, magazines, etc...
She is finally getting some teeth.  2 bottom teeth.  Just this week they started showing.
I want to take a picture so badly, but you can't really see anything yet in a picture. 
Her nana painted her toes for the first time.
She waves her arm up and down to say hi or bye.
She even sounds like she is saying hi sometimes.
She doesn't seem to say anything else though besides "hi" and squealing/screaming happiness.
She is an analyzer.  She will stare at someone up and down.  She will flip pages of a book or repeat something simple if you show her how to do it.
She likes to stand and play (this of course she needs help with).
She can give 5. 
We've got one smart cookie on our hands...atleast, that's what we think.

7 Month Stats

Little one is weighing in at 15 lbs 11 oz. which puts her in the 22nd percentile.
She is 26 1/2 inches tall (51%)

Her doctor has no concerns at this time and her health is looking very good considering we were just there a week ago with RSV, bronchiolitis, and an ear infection. 

She took her shots like a champ.  Cried, then shut it right off as soon as she got to be cuddled by her momma.  :)

Happy, healthy baby = happy momma.


Sick Baby = Sad Mommy

Baby girl is sick.
Being sick is no fun.  I think everyone would agree with me. 
The best part of being sick though would be getting to stay home and getting the royal treatment from those around you.  :)  It is so sad when they are so little and they don't understand and you can't do much to help them.
I took her to the doctor and she has Bronchiolitis, RSV, and an Ear Infection. 
The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, steroid, and a nebulizer.  Hopefully all of these things will bring my baby girl to better health.  As soon as  I get better with this whole blogging/pictures/videos all on the computer thing I will try to post a video I took of her trying to eat the nebulizer.  These medicines definitely make her act a little silly.  I just hope all of these medicines kick in soon because it is quite scary watching your little one be so sick.

We go back to the doctor on Monday to check in on how she is doing.  Wish us luck!


Such a Sweet Face

My sister so graciously took Madelyn's 6 month pictures...
Here are a few of her sweet, little mug!
Happy half birthday Madelyn.
Love you!